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U 93631

Catalog No.: R2030145
CAS No.: 152273-12-6
Formula: C17H21N3O2
Weight: 299.367543935776
Theoretical analysis

CAS NO.:152273-12-6

Molecular Formula:C17H21N3O2

Molecular Weight:299.367543935776

Purity: > 98%

Solubility (R.T.: 25℃): DMSO

Stability: - 20℃ 2 years

U93631 is a GABAA receptor ligand of novel chemical structure with IC50 of 100 nM,and has been shown to induce a rapid, time-dependent decay of GABA-induced whole-cell Cl-currents in recombinant GABAA receptors. target: GABAA receptor IC 50: GABAA receptor[1] In vitro: In the presence of U93631 at 5 UM, the peak amplitude decreased as a function of GABA concentration, with the half-maximal inhibitory concentration being approximately 100 nM, which is close to the Kd for the high affinity GABA site(85 nM). It appears that the drug interacts with GABA-bound receptors (at least monoliganded) and accelerates receptor desensitization, rather than acting as an open channel blocker.
Availability and price

Packing: 10mg/50mg/100mg/500mg/1g and we provide a variety of packaging.

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Quality control data

Quality Control by H-NMR,C-NMR,LC-MS,HPLC.

Product will be shipped with supporting analytical data.

Fast delivery about 4-5 working days.

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